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The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members.

Membership Definition

Here at St. Mark's and St. John's Episcopal Church, we have a different definition of what it means to be a member than most churches. We understand that everyone finds and connects with God in different ways and strive to foster your connection in ways outside of standard church services. At SMSJ, our definition of membership is as follows:

Membership includes all persons who
(1) regard St. Mark's and St. John's as their primary spiritual home by worshipping, volunteering, and/or attending faith-based activity on a regular basis, and
(2) give financially to the mission and ministry of the parish.

As Episcopalians, we have a legacy of inclusion and welcome any individual into our parish regardless of race, gender identity, sexual expression and orientation, or ability.
We believe that God loves you - no exceptions.

Becoming a Member

The SMSJ community continues to grow and we would love for you and your family to become members. It's easy as 1, 2, 3. 

1. Join us for worship. This is a great way to get a sense of who we are, if you're comfortable, and whether you feel like this is a good place for you to connect with the Divine.

2. Meet with Pastor Cindy 2-3x to share your story and get an understanding of our community, tradition and theological underpinnings. If you or members of your family feel called to be baptized, receive first communion instruction, formally become members of the Episcopal Church, or affirm your membership of the EC - this specific instruction can be part of this second step.

3. Finally, make a financial pledge to the church. The amount doesn't matter - it just demonstrates your commitment to the community.

Once these three steps have taken place you and your family will be formally welcomed as new members of the SMSJ community at our Sunday morning service the first Sunday of the month. 

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